Serial Multiplier Vhdl Code

006b59bca7 Deschamps/Sutter/Canto Guide to FPGA Implementation of.VHDL Codes of Guide to FPGA Implementation of Algorithms. Both implementation uses the multiplier and squarer.16 bit serial multiplier - EmbDev.netHello Im trying to write the behavioral code for a serial 16 bit multiplier. (A,B: IN stdlogicvector (15 downto 0. A VHDL code of each component in Data Path Unit 38 – 48 B VHDL code of Control Unit (Finite State Machine) 49 – 58 C VHDL code for Booth Multiplier Design 59 – 63 D Full block schematic diagram of (16 bit X 16 bit) Booth 64 – 65 Multiplier. Tutorial Modeling and Testing Finite State Machines FSM. Mealy And Moore Machine Vhdl Code For Serial Adder Storify verilog code for 4 bit serial adder vlsibank may 7th, 2018 - verilog code for 4 bit serial adder i want to know verilog code for 4 bit serial adder asked by heydar on nov 27 2009 6 12 30 am'verilog hdl program. Hello this is my first post here, I have some code that I've written that I'm having trouble with. I was hoping I can get some help. I'm having some issues with my VHDL code for a 4x4 multiplier. The schematic I'm using is below: Running a Syntax check goes through just fine but I get the following error.


    • Inputs: A1, A0, B1, B0 : 2 bit
  • 3 different VHDL implementations
    • Synthesis “by hand” (boolean functions for the outputs)


Different VHDL coding styles shall be demonstrated with a simple module that has to calculate the result of the multiplication of two 2-bit numbers. The maximum value of each input is 3, i.e. the maximum output value is 9 which needs 4 bits in a binary code.

Therefore, four input ports and four output ports of data type ’bit’ are required.

Serial Multiplier Vhdl Code

The same entity shall be used for all different implementations.

Mutliplier: Function Table

a1 a0 b1 b0 c3 c2 c1 c0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1
0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0
0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1
1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1


4 Bit Multiplier Vhdl Code

The most direct approach is via the function table of the multiplications. The behavior of a combinational logic block is completely defined by listing the result for all possible input values. Of course, the function table is usually no the most compact representation.

Multiplier Minterms - Karnaugh Diagram


The function table of this 2×2 bit multiplier leads directly to the four Karnaugh diagrams of the output signals.

The bars on the side of the squares indicate those regions where the corresponding input bit is ’1’. Paranoia agent torrent 1080p.

All ’1’s of the output signals are marked in the corresponding diagrams. By combining adjacent ’1’s, the minimal output function can be derived.

Multiplier: VHDL Code using the Function Tables

  • An internal signal is used that combines all input signals
  • The internal signal is generated concurrently, i.e. it is updated whenever the input changes
  • The function table is realized as case statement and thus has to placed within a process. The internal signal is the only signal that controls the behavior.


The conversion of the function table into VHDL is straight forward. An intermediate signal is used to combine the four input signals which facilitates the coding. Every row is represented by a different signal value, now. As all possibilities are covered in the table, a case structure can be used for the implementation.

Multiplier: VHDL Code using Minterm Functions

  • The minterm functions are realized directly as concurrent statements


Because the minterms are rather simple logical functions, they are realized with concurrent statements. This way, it is just a matter of replacing the mathematical symbols with their corresponding VHDL operators.


The minterm realization is very tedious and is performed by the synthesis tool automatically when the function table is parsed.

It is more or less a structural implementation of the algorithm - no synthesis is required.

Multiplier: Integer Realization

  • The NUMERIC_BIT package provides all necessary functions to convert bit vector to integer values and vice versa
  • Internal signals are used to generate bit vectors and integer representations of the port signals. The bit vectors shall be treated as unsigned binary values.
  • The signal bit input signals are concatenated to vectors and converted to integer data types
  • the multiplication s realized via the standard VHDL operator
  • The size of the target vector must be specified when converting integers back to bit vectors
  • Finally, the bit vector elements are assigned to the output ports


The most obvious solution via the multiplication operator ’*’ is not directly applicable because only single bits are provided by the entity.

Thus, bits belonging together are combined in bit vectors which are converted to integer values afterwards. The inverse procedure is necessary to assign the integer result to the output ports.

The most elegant solution is the integer implementation as the function of the code is clearly visible and not hidden in boolean functions or in hardcoded values like in the other examples. The use of ’bit’ type ports, however, is very awkward.

It is better style to use ’unsigned’ bit vectors or ’integer’. Please note that the conversion of the bit vectors to ’integer’ is not necessary as the arithmetic operators, including ’*’ are overloaded in the NUMERIC_BIT package. Vector arithmetic is provided for signed and unsigned binary representations

The synthesis result should be identical in all three cases.

Sample Vhdl Code

Chapters of System Design > Synthesis > Combinational Logic

Serial Multiplier Vhdl Codes

Chapters of System Design > Synthesis

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